The cPanel and WHM use the following ports:
- 2082 cPanel TCP inbound
- 2083 cPanel SSL TCP inbound
- 2086 WHM TCP inbound
- 2087 WHM SSL TCP inbound
- 2089 cPanel license TCP outbound
- 2095 Webmail TCP inbound
- 2096 Webmail SSL TCP inbound
Overall you would require following ports to be opened up in your firewall
20 FTP 21 FTP 22 SSH 37 rdate 25 SMTP 26 SMTP 587 SMTP 110 POP3 143 IMAP4 465 SMTP TLS/SSL 783 SpamAssassin 993 IMAP4 SSL 995 POP3 SSL 2095 Webmail 2096 Webmail SSL
53 DNS 80 HTTP 443 HTTPS 3306 MySQL 2077 WebDAV 2078 WebDAV SSL 43 whois 113 ident 873 rsync 6666 IRC 2082 cPanel 2083 cPanel SSL 2086 WHM 2087 WHM SSL 2089 cPanel license